Global Energy


A specialist private equity firm that provides buy-out & growth capital as well as strategic support to companies that operate across the supply chain of global energy.

"We have been at the forefront investing in leading energy related companies for over 10 years and our team and network, has unrivalled energy supply chain experience and success."

Bluewater’s investment strategy focuses on driving exceptional returns across the supply chain of all energy sectors through four key pillars:

  • Efficiency, reducing energy consumption and emissions.
  • Decarbonisation, addressing the growing need for cleaner fuels.
  • Data & Digitalisation, enabling real-time analysis to enhance efficiency and lower CO2 emissions.
  • Energy Security, ensuring a secure, low-cost, and low-emission energy supply.

We combine team experience and in-depth market knowledge to acquire and then grow companies that develop into world leading organisations with a truly international focus.

Our four investment themes combined with four strong value levers delivers a unique and differentiated energy investment thesis. 

FOX Innovation & Technologies – Compressor enhancements

By making systems and manufacturing processes more efficient we reduce energy consumption and decrease emissions. 

Our strategy focuses on both the system and component levels and aims to create world leading companies that straddle borders and sectors.

Galileo Technologies – LNG powered ferry

Global demand for energy continues to grow year on year meanwhile we all demand cleaner fuels at low cost. 

Our investment strategy drives significant changes across industry and manufacturing where significant CO2 reductions are easily achievable.

3T Global – Using VR to train critical service personnel

Further electrification and more accurate control of existing systems to improve efficiency and lower CO2 emissions require real time data analysis.

At Bluewater, we see significant opportunities for companies who collect and analysis data to have a significant contribution across all energy sectors and hence offer strong investment returns.

EDGE – LNG production, storage & distribution

Enhancing security of supply at low cost with low emissions is a challenge and an opportunity at the same time.

Our Team’s expertise across energy storage and logistics, combined with the clear understanding of global energy flows, gives significant opportunities for risk adjusted investment returns. 

Investing into energy

Our investments cover Industrials, Manufacturing, Critical Components, and Specialist Training, using our expertise across the energy supply chain.

Specialist team

We’ve been at the forefront investing in leading energy related companies for over 10 years and our team and network, has unrivalled energy supply chain experience and success.

Responsible investing

Our commitment to making better companies by improving their environmental, social and governance characteristics.

We have developed a focused ESG strategy that reaches into all areas of our operations: both within our business and across our portfolio companies. The strategy is underpinned by a long-term roadmap that tracks how – through a variety of projects and initiatives – we can meet our ESG objectives.

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